10 Indonesian Slang Words You Need To Know

Published by Rachel Claire on

10 Indonesian Slang Words you Need to Know

These slang words have been useful for my interactions with native Bahasa Indonesian speakers. I have compiled a list of the important slang words that you need to know. Hope you find them helpful.

1. Jutek

Definition: Arrogant; Stuck-up; Snobby

2. Sok

Definition: Know-it-all

Indonesian slang words

That moment when you know that the self-claimed expert is wrong.

3. Mager

Definition: Doing nothing; Has nothing to do; Idle

4. Bokap/Nyokap

Definition: Father/Mother

5. Nongkrong

Definition: Sitting around with family and/or friends and doing nothing.

Indonesian slang words

6. Curhat

Definition: To share your feelings; To pour out your feelings

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7. Gaptek

Definition: Being technologically backward.

Indonesian slang words

8. Kocak

Definition: Fun in a chaotic way.

Indonesian slang words

9. Jomblo

Definition: The relationship status of being single.

Indonesian slang words

10. Pamer

Definition: Show off

Indonesian slang words

Now, you can use these important Indonesian slang words when you converse with Bahasa Indonesia natives.